التسجيل في الدعم المالي في موقع كورسيرا
ازاي تسجل في كورسيرا في الدعم المالي وتستفيد بكورسات من أفضل جامعات العالم وبشهادات♣ ؟!
1/ هاتفتح الموقع وتسجل https://www.coursera.org
2/ هاتبدأ تبحث عن الكورس اللي محتاجه 🔍
3/ بعد ما تدوس علي اسم الكورس هتلاقي جنب زرار ال enroll جمله ( apply for financial aid ) دوس عليها .
4/ وبعدها continue to the application
5/ وبعدها صفحة تأكيد كل المطلوب منك فيها انك تحط علامتين صح جنب الخانتين الفاضيين وتنقل الجمله ( I agree to the terms above ) في المربع اللي تحتها .. وتعمل continue هتظهرلك الابليكيشن ✔ ..
6/ الابليكيشن أولها معلومات بسيطه خاصه بيك لكن بعدهم هتلاقي مربعين مطلوب فيهم تفسر انت ليه عايز تاخد الكورس و ايه هدفك منه ...
في المربع الاول هتاخد الاجابة دي كوبي وتحطها وتغير اسمك وبلدك طبعا😙 ..
Hello. I am X I am from Egypt; I am a student at Faculty of civil engineering,
I have applied for this financial for many reasons, which I will mention it later.
First, I still a student so I cannot afford any money; also, my father income cannot afford these courses, I can say that we deal in our country with the pound, not with dollars; it is so difficult to pay for all courses, My daily routine is very busy, I cannot take a job beside my college, even if I have worked to take these online courses, and our currency is very low with respect to dollars.
Therefore, all circumstances are against to pay for these courses,
For these reasons and other reasons, I wish I could take this course for no charges,
I hope so, so I can achieve my goals and take this course, which I think will help me a lot.
In addition, I wish I could be able to afford all courses the future.
I wish this financial aid be accepted, so I can take this course for no charges, Really, I am in bad need for this course, so it will help me a lot, If this financial aid has been accepted, I will be thank you for giving me this chance to take this course and to learn online free.
في المربع الثاني هتاخد الاجابة دي 😚::
I think this course is very important for me. In addition, I think it is the best time to take this course and the best site also.
In my opinion, this course will change my life and my career to the best. Every one of us has his own goals and dreams, so they seek to achieve these goals, for me I think it is my goal, my hope or I can say my dream.
This course supposes to improve my career and make my position in work much better.
This course will make me able to improve my skills, improve my knowledge about this subject and improve my career.
It is very important for me to reinforce this branch of knowledge, so I can use it in the future in my job.
This course especially is common between people who are interested in this field, so I want to be distinguished in this field.
This field of science is very common today and very important source to be successful.